
If you have metal working projects that need to be completed, now is the time to consider investing in the supplies that are needed to weld. Learn here.

How You Can Ensure Your Construction Materials Arrive In A Timely Manner

10 May 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Whether you are in the business of building homes, commercial or industrial spaces, constructing outdoor playgrounds, or fixing roads, you need to have your materials arrive on time and in good condition. How can you ensure that your construction materials arrive in a timely manner and will go where you want them to? It's all in the planning. Procurement of Materials The first step in getting your materials for whatever job you are doing is to procure the materials from the appropriate suppliers. Read More …

A Helpful Guide When Selecting Hot Tar Hoses

17 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you need to transfer hot substances -- such as tar -- safely, you should invest in hot tar hoses. They are uniquely designed to resist damage from extreme temperatures, and there are many great options today. To select one that's appropriate for your company's operations, keep this useful guide in mind.  Outer Coatings  Hot tar hoses are put through a lot of abuse on a daily basis. Not only do they transport liquids and substances that are extremely hot, but they're exposed to rugged environments. Read More …

Tips For Choosing Floor Scrubbers For Your Industrial Facility

26 March 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When you're new to working as a facilities manager or a property maintenance technician in a factory or industrial environment, cleaning is one of the most important things you need to consider. After all, excess dirt, debris, and dust on the floors can lead to illnesses, injuries, and other problems. One of the best ways to keep your floors clean on a consistent basis is to invest in an industrial floor scrubber. Read More …

Covering Angry Graffiti: Your Options

4 March 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Not everyone can be mature about a breakup. That is why we have cars that have been keyed, spray-painted with nasty graffiti, and dented from striking instruments and feet. If your car met with some of the above because your former partner did not take the breakup well, you have options (besides taking him or her to court). Paint Sprayer Services Nothing covers ugly, unpleasant graffiti faster than fresh paint. Professionals can use expert equipment to spray a single color over the top of the graffiti, covering it from view. Read More …

The Advantages Of Using A Plastic Grease Trap

12 February 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Collecting grease so that it does not end up in the trash or in the plumbing pipes at your place of business is just one of those everyday things that have to be done as a responsible business owner. Therefore, pretty much everyone in the food business knows something about grease traps. These traps can be made out of everything from stainless steel and copper to plastic, and while plastic may seem like the most unlikely pick, it is actually one of the best options. Read More …